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Classroom PPT
Inside chapter 1, Cresswell ppt
The Process of Writing the Research Project
Title page
Sample research paper
Template for a Research Proposal
APA guide 1
APA guide 2
Exploring the Literature
0. Getting research articles.
1. Reviewing the literature and taking notes
1.1 Outline the Literature by themes and authors
1.1 The Conceptual Framework
Conceptual framework explanations
Conceptual framework explanations 2
1.2 Narrowing a topic
2. Problem Statement
3. Purpose Statement
4. The Research Questions
Classroom Practice
1. Classroom Mix-methods Project instruction
2. Example Coding qualitative notes
3. The process of identifying themes from the interviews or observations
4. Creating a Survey
Materiales de Seminario de Tesis:
1. The pamphlet
2. Monograph Module Self-Evaluation
I. The Introduction
(in APA, you do not write the word "introduction".)
after you have completed all the subsections, write a paragraph that introduces to the topic, maybe some ideas about the importance of the English language and the specific isse in English teaching you want to study.
. Background: what is the context in school or society that relates to your topic? what is the problem or issue? what are the institutions or people doing to solve it?
. Problem Statement
1. Previous studies: what previous studies have dealt with that particular problem? What are the main findings? (basically, summarize your findings in the literature review).
3. Deficiency statement: After describing what previous research studies have found, say what they have not studied and how there is a need to study it. What did not they investigate? How important it is to investigate it?
4. Identification of a research problem: what is the specific problem you are going to study that previous studies have not studied)
. Purpose statement (What are you going to inquire about? what do you want to learn through this study? What does your study seek to answer?
. Research questions (What research questions are going to reflect the purpose of the study? Write one general question-purpose made question- and three or four specific questions.)
. Justification How important is the information you will get from your study. (who will make use of this information? How is it going to benefit the institution or policymakers, or the public?)
(the theoretical framework in which your study is just a part of)
II. Literature Review
(the theoretical framework in which your study is just a part of)
Themes identified in the 15 articles you found on the topic of your study.
III. Methods
III. Methods
. Research design (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods) Explain why it is the most suitable way to answer your type of questions. Define it. Cite one author or two that talks about this methodology.
. Participants (who are they? what they do, sex, how many, age... how do you get access to them?)
. Instruments (Interviews, surveys, observations, tests..)
. Data Collection procedures Explain how the data is going to be collected. Describe the procedures.
. Data analysis strategies ( theme analysis, statistical analysis, document analysis).
Class Research Project
Qualitative Data analysis: Interviews, observations, and documents analysis.
Transcribing the interview and conducting thematic analysis
1. Transcribe the interview and add line numbers and comments on the observations you have when you read the transcription. (see WhatsApp tutorial).
2. Highlight salient points (in-vivo codes), the information that answers your research questions.
3. Mark the lines with the interview number; then, cut out the in-vivo codes.
4. Compare and contrast the in-vivo codes from the different interviews to find similar themes (thematic analysis).
4. Results
- Reporting findings from an open Interview
Report the findings describing themes as they respond to your research questions.
Example ...
The purpose of this study was to.... we asked the questions.... and in the thematic analysis of the transcribed interviews we identified the following themes, or themes related to...these questions...
theme 1 (write a description of your findings in each theme)
Theme 2
theme 3
5. Discussion
- 1. Discuss your findings in relation to your research questions.
- Explain:
- How the findings answer your overarching and specific research questions?
- How do the findings support or contradict, or expand other research studies?