Welcome to Intermediate English. I hope that these resources and activities help you grow better in English.

Professor Rober Matos.

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Short stories- book
Report your video today Flipgrid

In a 3-minute video complete the following tasks:
1. Retell the anecdote of your choice in your own words, briefly saying what happened and how characters dealt with the situation.
2. Make a short analysis where you reveal the meaning the story tries to convey.
3. Relate your understanding of the anecdote to real-life events, either it is a personal experience or any experience you have witnessed, any social, political or religious issue of your interest.

Assessment Criteria
  1. The presentation is clear and easy to follow: easy to identify introduction, the development of the story, and the end or closing situation.
  2.  The presenter looks natural, keeping a normal pace of his or her presentation.
  3. The presenter shows evidence of having read the story.
  4. Place, time, and characters in the story are identified and related to real-life events.
  5. The presenter spends the assigned time in his or her presentation (3 minutes).

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