Language Acquisition

Welcome to the Language Acquisition Page. Here you will find a description of the course, resources, and class materials, and the description of all the assignments and assessment criteria.



Quiz1   Quiz2   Quiz3   Quiz4   Quiz5   Quiz6   Quiz7  Quiz8


1. In class Collaborative reading strategy: jig-saw.
Students read different assigned topics per group, then they gather in groups where there is a member from each previous topic. In the second round, students make a short presentation of the ideas on the topic they read. Finally, each group creates a poster and paste it on a wall in the classroom. Each group visits other groups posters, read, comment, and write missing info or suggestions.

2. In class group and individual presentations
Students make presentations on assigned topics in class. After the discussion of topics.

3. At home Reading assignments and online reports.

Students read the assigned topics or chapters and write a post in a discussion forum every week of the program. Three paragraphs each post.

Also, students need to respond to at least two other partners’ posts in a short paragraph.

4. Quizzes
Each unit, students complete a quiz on the salient vocabulary and concepts in each unit. The quizzes are presented as a collection of multiple choice questions on after reading and discussing the contents both online and in class.

Students take a partial test from units 1-4, and they will respond to a final test by the end of the term. These tests will contain a variety of questions and exercises to answer to the best of students competences and skills.

Same as the quizzes, tests will be presented after reading and discussing the contents both online and in class.


WEEK I Contents

  • Questions about Second Language Acquisition:
  • Learner Characteristics, Linguistic Factors, Learning Processes, Age and Acquisition, Instructional Variables, Context, and Purpose,
  • Definition of the term Language,
  • Learning and Teaching
  •  Schools of Thought in Second Language Acquisition:

  1. Structural Linguistics and Behavioral Psychology,
  2. Generative Linguistics and Cognitive Psychology,
  3. Constructivism: A Multidisciplinary Approach,

  • Nineteen Centuries of Language Teaching,
Assigned reading: Chapter 1 Language, Learning, and Teaching

Participate in classroom discussions and presentations.
Participate in the discussion forum.
Complete first unit quiz.


Lucy javier said...

English acquisition

Good morning

We were speaking about chapter 1 and in this chapter we learned about . Language,leaning and teaching but the most important that l found in this united are learning a second language,and the best age for to acquisition a second language and also learning cause for me learning is to change day by day because when you learning you change the wrong thing that affected your family or your personally.

A other things is to teaching, is the best method that humans used for. People who's teaching day by day bring knowledge to somebody.

But we have to know that acquisition a second language is can be futriring because not all people have the capability to understand fast and quickly

Thanks att lucy

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Chapter 1
HI we were talking about the processes of leaning and teaching a second laguage acquisition, to me Language learning it is generally assumed that we will teach language effectively if understand how language is learned. but for me that is easy to say but difficult to do. becouse, some language learning processes can be explained through brain research.

In a other hand When Noam Chomsky explains in his theory about the concepts of language suggested thaT human beings had a predisposition to learn a lenguage, which I called the language acquisition deviced. While constructivism is basically a theory, based on observation and scientific study, about how people learn. . Although each and every one of these theories have some concepts in relation to others, they sometimes disagree so it is necessary that we study it in depth and with a lot of refrexion.

for me the most acceptable theory is the constructive one since it gives the student the opportunity that he builds his own understanding and knowledge of the world, experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences and not only that but also promotes social and communication skills by creating a class environment that emphasizes collaboration and the exchange of ideas.


yourenglishclass 1 said...

Pedro Arismendy Reyes
Chapter 1
good ivining teacher
we were talking about the processes of learning and teaching and teaching a second language acquisition, but for me we not only learned about those processes that people should take into account when learning a language, but also for what is the role of teacher in addiction these effects can influence both one and the other, and it is for this reason that different theories contradict each other.

in order to explain from their concepts, on the one hand Chomsky children can predisposed and cognitive and psychological theory does not oblige to have a sets of grammatical and universal role, if you doubt some there is much to learn about language acquisition.

Chapte 2
l learned about the ability of children to comunicate, and also learned that when the children are finishing their first year they try to imitate words and sounds that they hear around them, being the fundamental language in human behavior. and that the language acquisition in children is to determine how thought affects the language and how the language affects thought.

Antonio familia DD 3363 said...

Hello class

Last week we were talking about the procces of learning and teaching a second language

Learning a second language is a complex and long procces because you have to get in to a new culture, life style ,new manner of thinking and for teaching a second language we have to attempt to many characteristic of the learners .in other hand for me learn a new language is easy to say that but is a complex procces .

Another sinks is the constructivism as school of tough talking about the cognitive procces that talk about that talk about the learners have to develop the Importance of constructing owr representation of reality and transform information for making owr and the social constructivism make empazi in the importance of social interaction because in the learners.Att:Antonio familia familia

Erilus Pierre said...

San Juan de la Maguana, Dominican Republic.
Wednesday, September 18th, 2019

Language, learning and teaching

By Erilus Pierre

First, the writer divides the book in chapter and sections. The purpose of this chapter is to show the teaching process, as the facilitation of learning, where the future teachers are the responsible to get the strategies necessary, to start teaching a second language.

In this unit, there are a few questions the writer made about the teaching and learning a second language. In which are divided in some categories, as well as the characteristics of learners. It is focused in ethnic, native language, education levels, socioeconomic, and cognitive of learners. About the linguistic factors, the learners must know his first language to able to communicate with others. There are six interactive components of the learning process such as attention, memory, language, precessing, organizing, and graphomotor writing. Thus the definition of learning is to gain knowledge about a subject or a skill to learn, experience, and instruction. While teaching is to show something or help someone to learn how to do something, prepared knowledge, among other. Another point that is important to mention, the schools of thought in acquiring a second language. Among other structural linguistic and psychology behavioristic, according to the structuralist, it was to describe human language and use the scientific principle of observation of human language. Generative linguistics and cognitive psychology, research rationally by observing competence and acquisition, innateness. Constructivism is a new school of thought that exmanines all aspects. It focus on individuals engaged in social practices, on a collaborative group, or on a global community. The classic method is a method that used in 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. The method focuses on grammatical, rules memorization, of vocabulary and conjugation, among other. It also called the grammar translation method of language.

Finally, in this unit all the information presented are necessary and important for student who learning about a second acquisition language. Which the reader must pay attention to all factors, characteristics of learners, and several schools of thought presented by the writer because all the strategies means to reach and learn successfully.

Geuris Herrera Mercedes said...

DATE 23 9 2019
ID 100098211
First chapter
It is so interesting to see from the first chapters those tools about principals of languages learning and teaching that start with some question at the end of expositor views .
I could appreciate that language learning and teaching have different way to learn and also to teach them. While reading I denotated that learning a second language it’s a long complex to understand . Any person is affected to reach a second language.
There are many factors and variables that can affect to the person perspective and the process of learning. Until now and going back to what I read constructivism is the better tool I saw because people whom wants to learn or that are in the process of learning can intershare many opinion about anything, and they wont be afraid to do what they think is correct.
In nineteenth century people were using grammar translations, but at the end they had to use oral production.

Geuris Herrera Mercedes said...

DATE 23 9 2019
ID 100098211
chapter 2

As you may know children have no interest in organizing their ideas.

In the twentieth century researches began to analyzed child language systematically and to discover the nature of the psycholinguistic process that help children to gain fluent control of a complex system of communication.

All children acquire their native language naturally without any especial instruction. To use the language is a complex process but it doesn’t say that children don’t have the competence to do it. As the child is getting old and experiences he also will using language. The differences is that a child cannot performance the language.

Children imitate words an speech and sounds they hear around them just from 8 months but by two years he can comprehend better and sophisticated languages. At the age of three neurons send much message to the brain to form multiple connections ready for doing many functions.

Ferdinand de Saussure said ,language can be touch by grammar but Chomsky said that, doe to behavior. That is true but what about people who didn’t go to a school 󎯫 󉃮

Rosmedis Martinez Mancebo said...

matricula: BB5014

Chapter 1:

in chapter one we learned about acquisition a second language ,to learn a second language the students must wedge in a new language ,a new culture ,a new way to thinking ,feelings ,and acting ,because learning a second languague is a long and complex. Also this chapter explained us that teaching is guiding and facilitating learning ,enabling the learner to learn sitting the conditions for learning ,also teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something giving instructions in the study of something. another interesting point was that in the twenty five centuries in the western world foreign languages was taught in schools like latin and greek for held to be indespensable to an adequate higher education. these languages was taught through of what has been called classical method. it method was focused on grammatical rules ,and another languages began to be taught in educatinal institutions in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Chapter 2:

this second chapter show us the abilities that the children have to communicate in their first year .all children given a normal development envirnment acquire their native language fluently and efficiently ,moreover they acquire them naturally without special instructions although not without significant effort and attention to language .children imitate words an speech and sounds they hear around them just from 8 months .this fluency and creativity continues into school age as children internalize increasingly complex structures expand their vocabulary and sharpen communicative skills.

Maximo Valdez said...

Maximo Valdez



In that unit we were learning about how we can undarstood about learning, and teaching. Learning: is acquisition or knowledge or skills though study. Teaching is may be difened as showing or helping some one to learn haw to do something giving instructions guiding in the study of something providing with knowledge causing to know or understand.
Language process.

Language is the method of humman communication, either spoken or written.

1 Language is systematic

2 Language is a set of arbitrary symbols

3 those symbols are primarily vocal, but may also be visual.

Cesarina Bueno said...

Hello colleagues, this is what chapter number 1 is all about
Learning a second language is a long complex undertaking. Many variables are involved in the acquisition process. There are a few questions about second language acquisition (SLA):
1.- Characteristics of learners . What learners are you teaching? 2.- Linguistic factors : 3.- Learning process. 4.- Age and Acquisition 5.- Instructional variables 6.- Context 7.- Purpose

Learning, may be defined as "showing or helping something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of s knowledge, causing to know or understand."

There are several schools of thought in acquiring a second language support.
Structural Linguistics and Behavioral Psychology: ( Behaviorist) they claim that child language acquisition is governed by habit forming and reinforcement by imitation, repetition and analogy
Generative Linguistics and Cognitive Psychology : human language cannot be scrutinized simplify in terms of observable stimuli and responses.. Both the structural linguist and the behavioral psycologist were interest in description, in answering what questions about human behavior: objective measurement of behavior in controlled circunstancesThree general questions to which generative theory tries to answer are:
1.- What constitutes knowledge of language? 2.- How is this knowledge acquired? 3.- How is that knowledge used?
Constructivism: learning is a developmental process that involves change, self generation and construction, each building on prior learning experiences. Emphasizes the importance of interaction and cooperative learning in construction both cognitive and emotional images of reality
Teaching Language in Nineteen Century The method used in this century is the classical method; the method focuses on grammatical rules, memorization of vocabulary, as well as a variety of declension and conjugation, translation of text, and written exercises workmanship. The classical method is also called the grammar translation method of language (Grammar Translation Method). It is popular because it reacquires few specialized skills on the part of the teachers
Teaching Language in Twentieth Century Communicative Language Teaching, (CLT) is an eclectic blend of the contributions of previous methods

Cesarina Bueno said...

Hello colleagues, this is what chapter number 1 is all about
Learning a second language is a long complex undertaking. Many variables are involved in the acquisition process. There are a few questions about second language acquisition (SLA):
1.- Characteristics of learners . What learners are you teaching? 2.- Linguistic factors : 3.- Learning process. 4.- Age and Acquisition 5.- Instructional variables 6.- Context 7.- Purpose

Learning, may be defined as "showing or helping something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of s knowledge, causing to know or understand."

There are several schools of thought in acquiring a second language support.
Structural Linguistics and Behavioral Psychology: ( Behaviorist) they claim that child language acquisition is governed by habit forming and reinforcement by imitation, repetition and analogy
Generative Linguistics and Cognitive Psychology : human language cannot be scrutinized simplify in terms of observable stimuli and responses.. Both the structural linguist and the behavioral psycologist were interest in description, in answering what questions about human behavior: objective measurement of behavior in controlled circunstancesThree general questions to which generative theory tries to answer are:
1.- What constitutes knowledge of language? 2.- How is this knowledge acquired? 3.- How is that knowledge used?
Constructivism: learning is a developmental process that involves change, self generation and construction, each building on prior learning experiences. Emphasizes the importance of interaction and cooperative learning in construction both cognitive and emotional images of reality
Teaching Language in Nineteen Century The method used in this century is the classical method; the method focuses on grammatical rules, memorization of vocabulary, as well as a variety of declension and conjugation, translation of text, and written exercises workmanship. The classical method is also called the grammar translation method of language (Grammar Translation Method). It is popular because it reacquires few specialized skills on the part of the teachers
Teaching Language in Twentieth Century Communicative Language Teaching, (CLT) is an eclectic blend of the contributions of previous methods

Unknown said...

Naudy tapia Suero Mt 100102743

Chapter 1

In this chapter we learned about language, leaning and teaching but the most important that I found in this united are learning a second language, and the best and also learning, cause for me learning is to change day by day because when you learning you can teach and wrong thing that affect your persanally or your friends.

Other things is to teaching another person because in this way you can to practice your own words and get more ability and your knowledge will grow day by day because if you teaching you can remind a lot of words what you was use in the pass and you can use in that moment.

But we have to know that acquisition is a second language is can be difficult if you don't have a good experience and that moment.

I hope everybody are doing well.

Unknown said...

Naudy tapia Suero Mt 100102743

Chapter 2

I going to talking about first language acquisition. I could notice that unit that is incredible because I learned what it the process. The one is an extreme behavioritic position. It claim that childrens environment, rather than their nature, can affect the children. On the other hand, the constructivist claims that children came into the word with very specific innate knowledge.

Another thing is behaviorI stick approach focused on the immediately perceptible aspects of linguistic behavior. And another thing is skinner insiste tha verbal behavior is controlled by its consequences,like other behavior. His point was so controversial at that time. Mediation theory supported the behavioritic theory, which is that the linguistic stimulus elicits amediting response that is self stimulating.

Nativist had made three important contributions.

1.freedom from the restrictions of the so called scientific method to explore the unseen un observable, underlying abstract linguistic structures being developed in the child.

2.systematic description of the child linguistic repertoire as either rule governed or operating out of parallel distributed processing capacities.

3.the construction of a number of potential properties of universal grammar.

I hope everybody are doing well.

Unknown said...

Naudy tapia Suero Mt 100102743

Chapter 3

Age and acquisition

I can learn about how children acquired their first language well.

When a child lean his first language he repeats thing over and over again.this is what we should learn in a language acquisition.

.Language learning is a matter of imitation you must be a mimic.

.the natural order is the separate sounds then words, and then sentence.

.We must speak after listening like children.

.He natural order of 4 skills is listening. Speaking reading and writing.

.We should learn a foreign language without translation.

.Grammar is unnecessary.

.Nature or nurture

Language properties may be more efficiently acquired in adults. If they have a problem, it is not because of innate capacities.


Some people insisted that second language learners have only partially access to universal grammar or not at all, in contrast, others insisted that people should not look at monolingualism as a standard of estimation.


While children imitate meaning better,adults can imitate the surface structure better.


When people learn, the important thing is meaningful, not the frequency of stimuli and the number of times spent practicing a form. It is crucial to do contextualized, appreciate and meaningful communication.

I hope everybody are doing well.

Antonio familia DD 3363 said...

Antonio familia DD3363

First language acquisition is a process that take place in the human been at any period of life this process refers to the acquisition of the native language or the mother tongue.

According to the theories of first language acquisition we born with a tabula rasa it refers that we born without knowledge of the world and language.

According to nativist approach we born with a genetic capacity of construction of an internalized
Sistem of language and according to Chomsky we have the ability of distinguish speech sound from.other sounds.

Unknown said...

Hello everyone chapter 5

As you know my name is naudy 100102743

I going to talking about learning styles I can to learn that is one of the best important for all the students because if we use a good method we can learn very well. So the person have to notice a soon as possible or discover how can we learning invariably grows out of a reflective or mood.

An impulsive style people determine by the way we internalize our total environment that internalize our total process is not strictly cognitive.we can find that physical affective, and cognitive domains merge in learning styles.

.Ambiguity tolerance

Ambiguity tolerance concerned the degree to which you are cognitively willing to tolerate ideas and prepositions that run outer to your own belief system or structure of knowledge. I hope everybody are doing well

Unknown said...

Rosmedis Martinez Mancebo Matricula:BB5014

Chapter 3
Age And Acquisition

In this chapter 3, I learned about the types of comparisons in the acquisition of a first and second language, where you have to do a field work to find the differences between children and adults.

I also know that some adults acquire a real accent of a second language after puberty, and we have several muscles that if we managed to control we could have a better accent than many native speakes.

Also we having human capacity develops rapidly throughout the first 16 years of life, and less rapidly there after. We know that children who learned two language at the same time acquiere it with similar strategies.

Unknown said...

Rosmedis Martinez Mancebo Matricula: BB5014

Chapter 4
Human Learning

This chapter 4 was very interesting, because we could analize how the human being learn .The most important point treated in this chapter were the fous theories: classical theory by Pavlov, operant by Skinner, cognitive by Ausubel, and constructivist by Rogers. Also the chapter shows us that learning theories are what excute the description of a process that allows a person or an animal to learn something. Those theories also are intended to unsdertand, anticipate ,and regulate behavior through the design of strategies that facilite access to knowledge. We also learned that Robert Gagne identified eight types of learning, all basic on the theories mentioned above: 1)signal learning, 2)stimulus responses learning, 3)chaining 4)verbal assiciation, 5)multiple descrimination almost others.

Unknown said...

Rosmedis Martinez Mancebo Matricula: BB5014

Chapter 5
Styles and Strategies

In this chapter 5 we learned about process, styles, and strategies that we can use to learn a second language. The procees explain us that everyone has some degree of aptitude for learning a second language, this learning procees will be achieved through styles and strategies. This chapter also shows us the characteristics of left and right brain and the functions that each one have. Also the chapter defines the differences between metacognitive strategy and cognitive strategy. Metacognitive strategy is a term used in information -processing theory to indicate an executive function strategy that involve planning for learning, thinking about the learning process as it is taking place, monitoring of one's production or comprehension. Instead the cognitive strategies are more limited to specific learning tasks and involve more direct manipulation of the learning material itself.

Pedro Arismendy Reyes said...

Chapter 3

pedro Arismendy Reyes.

Hi, In this chapter, We learned about the types of comparisons in the acquistion of a first and second language,where you have to do a field work to find the diferences between children and adults. Also know that some adults aquire real accent of a second language after puberty,and that we have several muscles that if we managed to control we could have a better accent than many native speakers.

But we having human capacity develops rapidly throughout the first 16 years of life and lessrapidly thereafter. We know that children who learned two language at the same time acquiere it with similar strategues. There is evidence in neulogical reasearch that as the human brain,and certain function are assigned or lateralized, to the left hemisphere of the brain,and certain other functions to the right hemisphere.

Chapter 4
In this chapter of according to Skinner,operant conditioning is a way of learning through reward and punishment. This type of conditioning holds that a certain behavior and a conscience,be it a reward or punishment,has a connection that leads us to learning. And that through the stimulus one can obtain good results.
For example: if you tell the child that if he gets good grade,you would buy him the toys he wants. When he hears that,he will be rewarded with that ,he will strengthen himself a Little more to achieve his goal.

The Russian Ivan Pavlov who at the beginning of the century performed several experiments in which he trained a dog to salivate the sound of a bell through a procedure called classical conditioning. For Pavlov learning process consists of the formation of association between stimuli and reflexive responses.

Pedro Arismendy Reyes said...

Chapter 5
Pedro Arismendy Reyes.
Good morning

Here in this chapter we discuss the processes and strategies used to the acquisition of a second language. The process is the most general on the three concepts,and was essentially the focus of the previous chapter. All human being engage in certain universal process.

The style is a term that refers to consistent and rather enduring tendencies or preferences within an individual. And style are those general characteristics of intellectual functioning.

While the strategies are specific methods of approaching a problema or task,modes of operation for achieving a particular end,planned designs for controlling and manipulating certain infomation. Also in the chapter defines the differences between metacognitive strategy and cognitive strategy.

Antonio familia DD 3363 said...

Chapter 3.

In this chapter I learned about the acquisition of the first language in children.

While children are learning their mother tongue or first language they start repeating all the things that are listening wile adults are speaking and them repeat again and again so that learn world by world by articulating .

Children acquire they first language by listening, speaking,writing and reading this is the natural order.

Antonio familia DD 3363 said...

Chapter 5.

In this chapter we where discussing many styles and strategies about acquiring a second language.

When we are going to learn a new language we have to adopt somme styles and strategies that are necessary.

Human been need to know what's his best style and strategie for acquiring a new language,human have to know what is the best way to learn a language or something.

We have to adopt strategies as listening, reading,audiovisual, clustering, writing etc.